Showing posts with label Hot Girls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hot Girls. Show all posts

When It's Time to Toss Your Beauty Products

When It's Time to Toss Your Beauty Products .


For each health and beauty product you used this morning, there are likely five others sitting idle to your medication cupboard, with expiration dates going as a long way back because the remaining time you listened to music on a cassette tape. There are some of motives to do a sweep of outdated merchandise — are you sincerely going to wear that blue eyeshadow once more? — however the maximum critical motive is that old cosmetics pose a number of ability health dangers.

“maximum splendor products are designed to live clean and strong best for a restrained time period,” explains Jessica Wu, MD, an assistant scientific professor of dermatology at the university of Southern California and a dermatologist in non-public exercise in los angeles. “After that, they begin to interrupt down, so your cream may not work as properly, your makeup may streak or alternate colour, or — worst case state of affairs — you may increase a terrible contamination.” here’s how to provide your fitness and splendor arsenal a far-wanted spring cleansing, any time of 12 months.

10 Reasons Your Husband Isn't Having Sex with You

10 Reasons Your Husband Isn't Having Sex with You

  Get mor sex in Your marriage

Has your husband been saying "not tonight, dear" a little too often? It's hard not to feel rejected, but it doesn't necessarily mean he's lost that lovin' feelin' for you. Learn about the most common reasons he may not be in the mood and what you can do about it.

1. He wants to relax after a long day. 

If he's retreating to his man cave each night, that could create a pattern of disconnection, says Debra Castaldo, PhD, a relationship expert and director of the Center for Couples and Family Solutions in Midland Park, NJ. He may not realize you're missing him, though, so tell him. Try: "It seems like we're spending most of our evening time apart. I know you want to chill out, but I miss being with you. Maybe we can do something relaxing together," suggests Dr. Castaldo. Find something soothing you both enjoy, whether it's drinking wine, reading side by side in bed or finding a new favorite TV show. Once there's togetherness, there's an opportunity for intimacy, says Dr. Castaldo.

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Veiled and Undercover: Exposing Harassment of Muslim Women in the U.K.

Veiled and Undercover: Exposing Harassment of Muslim Women in the U.K.

Hate-crime expert Irene Zempi wore Islamic clothing in public to research harassment against visibly Muslim women in the U.K. The disdain and abuse she experienced was so bad, she says, she didn’t want to leave the house.

Originally from Greece, Irene Zempi is a foreigner in the U.K., but it’s not obvious until she speaks. She didn’t give much thought to her ability to blend in until 2009, when she began working at the charity Victim Support in Leicester. That was where she met Muslim women who were being abused in public because of the way they dressed. Propelled by the injustice and shocked at the lack of information on the topic, she went on to earn a PhD in criminology with a focus on the purposeful victimization of visibly Muslim women.
While Zempi was conducting her doctoral research, she interviewed Muslim women who urged her to wear the Islamic hijab (headscarf), niqab (face veil) and jilbab (long dress) so she could better understand their collective experience. A practicing Orthodox Christian, she agreed that dressing the part would be the best way for her to examine the issue of female-focused Islamophobia. So, in 2012, she went undercover for a month in Leicester. The level of harassment she faced was astonishing, she says.
Nearly four years have passed, but the data from Zempi’s research is now more timely than ever. In 2015 alone, there was a 326 percent increase in hate crimes against Muslims in the U.K., with Muslim women more likely to be attacked than Muslim men. And police figuresshow that hate crimes soared in the country following the Brexit vote earlier this year.
Women & Girls spoke with Zempi, who teaches criminology at Nottingham Trent University, about her month as a Muslim, the results of which will be published fully for the first time in an upcoming report with co-author Imran Awan of Birmingham City University .

Women & Girls: Why are Muslim women more likely to experience Islamophobia than Muslim men?

Zempi: We see that Muslim women who are visibly Muslim in terms of their dress are easy targets. It’s obvious that they’re practicing Muslims and, to some extent, wearing a veil is a symbol of Islam in the West. A hate crime is a message crime. Therefore, for hate crime perpetrators, attacking the symbol of Islam – the veil – sends the message to the wider community that all Muslims are vulnerable. The perpetrators think they can get away with it if they attack Muslim women because they don’t think the women will fight back or report it to the police because they view Muslim women as oppressed and forced to wear the veil.
So, there isn’t just one reason why Muslim women in veils are more likely to experience abuse. It’s a combination of reasons. Muslim men also suffer from Islamophobia. Women experience it more in the public space – like when they walk on the street or take public transport – while men are more likely to experience it in the labor market.

How to Last Longer In Bed

How to Last Longer In Bed, According To a Sex Therapist Who Overcame Premature Ejaculation 

About 40 percent of men have similar problems to varying degrees, say researchers in Malaysia. Premature ejaculation (PE) can be defined as ejaculation occurring within 60 seconds of penetration.
This can utterly destroy your sex life.
Related: 10 Things You Never Knew About Your Orgasms
I overcame my condition in my late 20s, but it was a factor in my decision to become a sex therapist and to write a book titled, not ironically at all, She Comes First. Since then I’ve helped thousands of men beat their PE.
What I’ve learned: Any man can last longer in bed with the following tips.
Try them tonight, and enjoy the ride. (For even more ways to improve your sex life, check out How to Pleasure a Woman—the Men’s Health Complete Guide to Becoming a Master Lover.)

Master the Mini-Orgasm

Practice masturbating nearly to the point of ejaculation, and then stop.
Male orgasm consists of two phases: emission (when semen is loaded into the urethra) and ejaculation (when it’s expelled). You want to reach the emission phase, before ejaculation, and experience the feeling of a minor pelvic contraction or two but without fully ejaculating.
This mini-orgasm functions as a release valve, easing some of the tension in your penis and dialing back the sexual response process. It takes a bit of practice to execute during sex, but you’ve had worse homework assignments, right?
Related: 8 Ways to Make Your Orgasm Even Better

Make Your Penis a Sex Toy

Perpendicular sex positions allow for clitoral stimulation without penetration, which can help you last longer.
As you each lie on your side facing each other, create a 90-degree angle between your shaft and her vulva. Instead of penetrating, press your shaft lengthwise against her clitoris and gently move it back and forth.
You’re basically creating a sex toy out of the top side of your penis, which is far less sensitive than the underside.
Related: 6 Lessons You Can Learn From Her Sex Toys
When she’s getting close, switch to a more stimulating position. With luck she’ll reach orgasm first, even if you ejaculate within a minute or so.

Pop This Pill

If all else fails, a class of antidepressants known as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), such as Zoloft, Prozac, and Paxil, may help. One side effect is delayed ejaculation.
Related: Gambling Addictions, Purple Sweat, Driving While Asleep—the Scary Side Effects Of Popular Meds
Research suggests that taking an SSRI before sex may help men with PE last four to five times longer. In the same study, all 100 premature ejaculators who took some form of antidepressant before sex saw improvements in their staying power.
Obviously your doctor will need to weigh in. In my own case, I used an SSRI to good effect. And I’ve seen these drugs help a lot of other men with PE as well.

Use a Numbing Spray

If other methods aren’t enough, try an over-the-counter delaying spray containing lidocaine.
Related: The 10 Best Condoms
I like Promescent, which was formulated by a urologist. In one study, 74 percent of men who used a lidocaine-based spray lasted longer than two minutes, versus just 22 percent of the placebo group.
And in a study I designed with researcher Kristen Mark, Ph.D., many men using Promescent lasted as long as 11 minutes. You only need two or three squirts, and it absorbs easily so it won’t leave you (or her) numb.
Try it while masturbating, first using one spritz and then two to learn which dosage works best

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